Read more about the article Agres­si­ve beha­viour in hos­pi­tals: emer­gen­cy rooms need new safe­ty concepts 

Agres­si­ve beha­viour in hos­pi­tals: emer­gen­cy rooms need new safe­ty concepts 

Outbreaks of violence by patients and their relatives - fueled by long waiting times and incomprehensibly regulated patient calls - are part of the new hospital routine in emergency rooms.…

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Read more about the article New Year’s Eve: When hel­pers them­sel­ves beco­me vic­tims — more pro­tec­tion through body cams demanded
Body-Cams für Rettungsdienste

New Year’s Eve: When hel­pers them­sel­ves beco­me vic­tims — more pro­tec­tion through body cams demanded

The use of body cams not only provides increased protection for the emergency services, but can also give those affected by violent attacks a greater sense of security in their everyday lives. In addition, the cameras can counteract the increasing disrespect towards security personnel and also serve to deter perpetrators. Thus, body cams make the everyday life of security forces safer and less violent.

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Read more about the article Body cams: The non-vio­lent method for de-escala­ting con­flict-laden situations
NetCo Body-Cam zur Deeskalation getragen

Body cams: The non-vio­lent method for de-escala­ting con­flict-laden situations

When a conflict builds up, security personnel do not have many options to de-escalate it. Police officers in particular may also use means such as tasers and pepper spray for…

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